Meet the Staff
Becki Bickett
Practice Manager
Phone: (937) 971-2684
Email: becki.bickett@emergerecoverytrade.com
Becki Bickett, our Practice Manager, is responsible for credentialing all providers and all aspects of billing within the clinical department of Emerge.
Becki came to Emerge in March of 2022 after working in healthcare for many years. Becki has a history of nursing, billing, management, and administrative operations duties for over two decades. In addition, Becki has always had a heart for those in her community by helping serve those in need through events, community engagement, and sharing God’s love with others.
In her spare time, Becki loves to play the piano and be outdoors and enjoys hiking, gardening, reading, cooking, and spending time with her family, including her three children and ten grandchildren.
The very essence of Emerge is to share Life with struggling people. To be part of an organization that seeks to rebuild, renew, and restore is where God is and where I want to be. Everyone has value and worth – it has been stated by God Himself, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows right well.” Psalms 139:14