Connections in the Community

During the past month, partnerships continue to blossom as Mandy Adkins, Community Outreach finds herself bringing in group tours and attending many events within the reentry and recovery community.
New partnerships include Autumn Behavioral Health Center in Wilmington, Oh:, Recovery Centers of Ohio, Miami County Continuum of Care, Greene County START Direct Line Meetings and Case Review, Greene County Children Services Coalition, Resurge Recovery, Armada Recovery, The Hopeline Warren County: referral source, transportation, basic needs, bagged lunches, hygiene bags, Narcan, Cleanslate, Miami County Public Health:
Our community partners are focused on assisting clients with linkage to vocational and employment opportunities as they also work towards building a recovery lifestyle. Our growing list of over 75 community partners, helps our clients secure the best for their next steps.
An additional role Mandy takes on is transporting clients to our location, sometimes from incarceration or other facilities. During this time in the car, she begins to discover their hopes and dreams for the future.
She related, “As I am linking individuals to Emerge, I am seeing a commonality in that most of them express excitement and also feel very empowered by the possibility of vocational resources and employment opportunities. Furthermore, there seems to be an additional therapeutic value within Emerge’s landscape and outdoor recreational activities. Emerge is in fact a community.”