Hope & Progress

Because of you, our first year of programming is creating many glimmers of HOPE and PROGRESS and our team is grateful! Former participants are now serving as leaders and a support system for our newer residents. Read a reflection from Nate Crago, Director of Substance Use Residential Services on how men are healing, bonding, and moving on a positive path to build meaningful lives.

“One of my favorite things about being here is walking on to the residential unit or visiting our recovery housing in Yellow Springs and seeing guys doing the work. I constantly see them reading their recovery literature, meeting with their 12-step sponsors and spiritual mentors and going to recovery meetings and events. They are taking great strides to rebuild their lives!

Some have attended classes to complete their GED, gained skills through a trade school or college, and many of them have secured employment. Some have moved back home to be husbands and fathers again.

We recently started our Emerge alumni group that meets every week to share their recovery journeys with the new guys. We’ve been having 10-20 former clients show up on a weekly basis. They even got together and organized a canoe trip the other day!

This is hard work that we do, and it can get discouraging at times but at the end of the day we are making a tremendous impact on individuals, families, and our communities with the work we are doing at Emerge and that feels pretty good!”

Together, we are a force for good! Envision the smile of someone sitting in that canoe, surrounded by a support team, and feeling the breath of new life.

Our Signature Event generates funding so those suffering can get the holistic support to rebuild their lives. Make your gift today at https://Emerge2024.givesmart.com or contact Elaine Bonner at 937.974.6120 | elaine.bonner@emergerecoverytrade.com