‘I owe it to my Creator to help the next struggling person’

PHOTO: Brian works from home for Five Star Home Services

Brian Evans, part of the Five Star Marketing Team, shares his gratitude for being connected to the Emerge mission. His giving stems from his gratitude to those who supported his journey and his way of helping pave the way for someone else seeking to rebuild their life.

“As a longtime employee of Five Star Home Services, it is my honor to not only donate to Emerge every week, but to also take part in the recovery fellowship and mentorship this community provides.

I also consider it a joy every day coming to the beautiful Emerge campus, which continues to grow and serve God in unique and innovative ways. This place is truly one of a kind, and I know God is working through the amazing souls behind it all.

The monetary donation I have deducted from my paycheck every week is truly the least I could do for a dedicated group of individuals who have given me EVERYTHING. From our founders to the leaders of our clinical team and the executive team at Five Star Home Services – I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for such caring people working together for a common good! Today, I can honestly say my cup truly runs over!

Small donations like these add up over time. As far as I’m concerned, this is a small part of my tithe to God for bringing me out of the darkness of addiction and showing me a new way to live. 

I never dreamed life could be this beautiful…

When I was out there lost in darkness chasing death, I never imagined in a million years life could be so much better if I just surrendered to God and started putting in the work to help others!

Today, I strive to be of service to others, because I know it always comes back to me in some way shape or form. There are no “others.” I owe it to my creator to help the next struggling person.

I also hope to continue sharing this message of hope: No matter how dark the night, the sun always rises once we’ve surrendered our old ways and sought help from above.”

If you are interested in supporting Emerge on a monthly basis, visit emergerecoverytrade.com/donate

As Brian mentioned, gifts of all sizes truly make a difference. Here are just a few examples of how we put your gift to good use:

$5 / Month: New Resident Welcome pack (socks, bedding, Bible & other essentials)

$10 / Month: One counseling session

$15 / Month: Breakfast and lunch for a week for one resident

$25 / Month: Transportation to a month of nightly recovery meetings

$42 / Month: Supports one group enrichment activity

$84 / Month: Founders Leadership Giving Circle – supports a month of recovery housing for one resident