Emerge welcomes doctor to clinical team 

Emerge welcomes doctor to clinical team 

Home | Press Releases Emerge welcomes doctor to clinical team  New staff physician consultant on campus shares her story  Dr. Beverly Brooks, M.D., of Cedarville joined the clinical team at Emerge on May 15  XENIA — A longtime, distinguished local physician with more...

Outpatient Update! 

Home | Archives for TJ Cernetic An Update from Dustin! The path of recovery is indeed a journey. On a journey, many will see, hear, and do some of the same things, but it is always individualized. The individualization of a journey is based upon a person’s experience...
Emerge Mission Moment 

Emerge Mission Moment 

Home | Archives for TJ Cernetic Emerge Mission Moment Chef Greg Shaffer shares his story of transformation  XENIA — The journey that brought Greg and Shayne Shaffer to Arise Café at the Emerge campus was nothing short of miraculous. In fact, Chef Greg recalls, if it...
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