BOOKS TO READ! Thanks to the Greene County Library, Emerge is the recipient of books on a regular basis for our Men's Recovery Housing program! Our residents are now able to spend time reading during their free time. We are grateful for this community partnership.
FOOD TO EAT! Tahler Robbins, Logistics Director with Miami Valley Meals was out for a site visit to check out our freezer space, food safety procedures and discuss next steps for our partnership. Thank you Miami Valley Meals for providing delicious meals for our residents! Their mission: Chefs transforming donated food into nutritious meals.
WAYS TO LEARN! Emerge was the recipient for Old Scratch Pizza’s Cones For A Cause. With this grant we will purchase 80 recovery-oriented books for the men in our recovery housing program. At its inception Cones for a Cause was born out of a desire to provide impactful contributions to local non-profit organizations where a smaller donation would make a difference. Encouraging guests at Old Scratch to make donations, by way of sweet treats, we can leverage community support to increase the impact of those small organizations. 100% of guest donations fund
micro-grants to local non-profit organizations.