Success Story at Five Star Home Services

Digital marketing expert, YouTuber credits Christ for bringing him out of addiction 

“I had a God-sized hole in my heart that could only be filled with my faith.” 

 COLUMBUS — With a very successful career in digital marketing, Jared Young’s life was slowly crumbling from the inside out when he came to work for Five Star Home Services more than two years ago. 

The 34-year-old Columbus man said his hard-core drug addiction of ten years was slowly eroding away at him. At any moment, he felt, everything could come crashing down around him. 

“When I was in high school and going into college, I made some very bad decisions that led me away from God,” Jared said. “I battled alcoholism and drug addiction for 10 years. I was lost. I was dying every day killing myself with my addiction. I was in pain.

 Honestly, I didn’t know what to do . . .” 

Then, around two years ago, Jared said he prayed to God for a sign. 

“I was in my third month at Five Star Home Services,” Jared said. “This was when I was at the end of my rope. I knew I was close to having everything crumble. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to continue going like I was going. I had this feeling that  I was about to lose it all. Nothing is working for me. I am just going to pray. I’ve heard about this God thing. I’ve heard about faith. I knew something needed to change.” 

A week later, Jared said his fiancé of almost four years left him. The pain from the separation set in motion a chain of events.  

“That was a big catalyst for me,” Jared said. “That was the pain I needed to create change in my life. Losing her was rock bottom. I was alone, in my apartment, on my knees. I had this supernatural experience. I felt the presence of God in that apartment. I  felt God saying everything was going to be Ok.” 

“Shortly after, I was on my knees and I surrendered to Jesus,” he said. “I heard God tell me to get up and follow him.” 

During the past two years, Jared said he has worked on his recovery while playing an essential role for the Five Star Home Services marketing team. 

“I worked on serving my community,” he said. “However, I found myself still in pain.” 

At the beginning of 2024, Jared said he prayed again to have God remove the pain in his life. 

“That’s when I purchased my first Bible and started going to church regularly,” he said. “I was working so hard towards my physical and mental health, but I realized I needed to strengthen my spiritual health and relationship with God, and that would reveal  my purpose in this world.” 

Everything changed again, he said, on February 25th when Jared decided to get baptized at Reynoldsburg Community Church. His pastor, Jeff Greenway, became his spiritual mentor.  

“I studied under him several times a week going to Bible studies,” he said. “To me, this is very important. This is what took care of my emptiness, having a relationship with Jesus. Surrendering to God was complete freedom to me. I have that willpower now,  and it’s through God. He was with me that entire time.” 

Jared said he has continued to volunteer and help people through the years. 

“Getting baptized changed my life and changed my family’s life — especially my twin brother,” Jared said. “He was agnostic, and he was baptized in March. My mom also attends church with me as a result of my transformation. Spiritual health is the glue that holds it all together and that was something  I was lacking. Working for Five Star Home Services is such an important part of this entire story. I came into this job working as a drug addict. No one knew this when I was hired.” 

Additionally, when he started working at Five Star, Jared said he didn’t know about the Profit on Purpose mission and how the company is affiliated with Emerge Recovery & Trade Initiative

Five Star Home Services & Emerge Recovery & Trade Initiative is the place to be! 

“So many people working here are in long term recovery,” he said. “If it wasn’t for the empathy and support I’ve been met with here, it would have turned out differently. Everyone helped me realize that I didn’t have to be ashamed. That helped my confidence.  There was so much support here. I had the support from the team here.” 

Additionally, when he reached his first year of recovery, Jared said Five Star CEO Christian Rattin genuinely congratulated him.  

“It came from the heart,” he said. “I felt loved and supported. God is always ahead of us. Coming to work for Five Star was definitely a God thing.” 

Jared said he loves working for the company so much because he feels God put it into his life for a reason. 

“There was no mistake,” he said. “This was no coincidence. The mission here is to help addicts. I love being a part of this. Five Star was an answer to my prayers.” 

Today, Jared is more than 26 months sober – leading an entirely new life devoted to personal development and serving God. 

“I feel the future is very bright here with Five Star and Emerge,” he said. “We give all the glory to God. We are here and do what we’re supposed to do, and we help those people who are lost. . .  

“We’re all God’s children.” 

Thank you Jared for sharing your story to inspire others. To listen to the Profit on Purpose podcast, with Jared and Five Star CEO, Christian Rattin, head HERE.